Airplane Multi-Engine Rating

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The multi-engine rating gives you experience with the remarkable improvement in aircraft performance capability that comes with increases in speed, power, and rate of climb.

The multi-engine rating course begins with a study of the performance characteristics of the multi-engine aircraft with emphasis on the performance and safety factors involved in flying an airplane with only one functioning engine. Managing the complexity and workload of a multi-engine aircraft is challenging. There is no minimum time requirement for the multi-engine rating; however, you will need an instructor’s endorsement of flight and ground training prior to the checkride. There is no written examination for the multi-engine rating.

FAA Minimum Requirements

There are no specific minimum FAA flight time requirements.

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Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming Certified

Duration: Remarks:
Before training 1 week TSA finger-print screening
(International students ONLY)
Ground school and flight training with instructor 2 weeks Study emergency airplane operations
FAA written exam Minimum passing score is 70%
Checkride preparation 1 week Overall review of knowledge and skills
Practical test (checkride) Oral and flight examsand skills
Total: 1 month

Aircraft Fleets

Beechcraft Duchess



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